FARES 2024/2025

Single services - Half Day/HD (up to three hours) Assistance from 1 up to 20 people € 160,00
Single services - Full Day/FD (up to six hours) Assistance from 1 up to 20 people € 250,00
Single services- prices for Cruise ship Forfait half day (max. 4 hrs) € 180,00
Forfait full day (max. 7 hrs) € 240,00
Forfait for additional language - half day € 50,00
Forfait for additional language - full day € 80,00
Ongoing Tour services (over three days -up to 8 hrs) € 250,00
Airport hospitality/Assistance Half day/HD (3 hrs) € 150,00
Full Day/FD (6 hrs) € 200,00
Transfer (apt/port -hotel or viceversa) € 140,00
Outgoing services (daily) € 170,00
Radio guides are required for groups exceeding 20 participants  

Condizioni generali:

  • - If the service exceeds the indicated hours, there is a € 25,00 extra fee for each extra hour; if the group exceeds the indicated number of people, there is a € 3,00 extra fee for each extra person
  • Multilingual service (apart from Cruise ships), there is a € 25,00 extra fee for each extra hour/language
  • The cost for transfer, board and lodging off-site shall be borne by the client
  • The working day starts at 7 am. In the absence of useful transport links allowing the tour guide to welcome the group within the scheduled time, the extra costs for transfer, board and lodging the evening before the group arrival, shall be borne by the client
  • The working day ends at 7pm . A supplement of 50 € on the daily rate is applied for services rendered after 7.
  • The fees have to be considered as the gross of withholding tax and according to the tax regime of every single tour guide (Net VAT), INPS compensation (rate equal to 4% of the gross compensation due) and additional stamps to be applied to the invoice/receipt according to Law.
  • For the outgoing services on tour only full days have to be considered
  • For the outgoing services on tour cancelled by the client within 7 days before the tour starts as well as for single services cancelled within the 24 hrs before the service begins, a 50% compensation of the amount due has to be paid for loss of earnings.
The Tour Guides joining the Regional Association of Sardinia Tour Guides are strictly bound to respect the minimum rates agreed.


Document Download
FARES 2019/2020 PDF
Affiancamenti - Tariffe 2017/2018 PDF
FARES 2017/2018 PDF
FARES 2024/2025 PDF


Our members are all language professionals with a proven multidisciplinary knowledge, along with excellent skills and a long-term professional experience in I.T., Education, Tourism and Culture promotion and communication, either addressed to individuals or groups.